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Politique mondiale sur la publicité ciblée


Nioso requires all advertisers on the Nioso Platform to comply with this Global Advertising Targeting Policy (“Targeting Policy”) and all Ads are subject to Nioso review and approval. Nioso reserves the right to reject, block, or remove any ad for any reason in our sole discretion including non compliance with this Targeting Policy. This Targeting Policy is subject to change without notice.

Prohibited Targeting/Suppression Categories:





National origin


Sexual orientation or data concerning sex-life

Genetic and/or biometric data

Alleged or actual commission of a crime

Negative financial status or condition

Under 18 years old (age)

Prohibited Targeting/Suppression Destinations and Cuisine Types:


Adult Entertainment

Government buildings

Medical Centers

Reproductive Health Centers

Spiritual Centers

Assisted Living

K-12 Schools

Banking & Finance

Gluten Free



Freight Facility

Greenlight Center



Public Bathroom

Trade Unions/Trade Associations

RV Park

Sensitive Targeting Categories & Advertisers:

The following are considered “Sensitive Categories” by Nioso and will be more carefully scrutinized for potential discrimination or disparate impact when making targeting decisions by advertisers on the Nioso Ads Platform. Targeting options will be limited based on applicable laws and Nioso views on what’s fair for advertisers to know about our users and use to sell them products and services while they use the Nioso apps.

Age, Gender, Family Status, & Language:

For discounts offers and promotions, advertisers may not target or suppress using age, gender, family status, or language (meaning that we can’t use language as the basis for targeting an offer, but we do not prohibit language targeting to ensure that the right language is being used for an offer– but all languages in a given location must get a particular offer).

For general advertising that does not include discounts, offers and promotions, advertisers must represent and warrant that if they use one of these targeting categories, such targeting will not have unfair consequences, discriminatory effect, or create disparate impact.


Advertisers must represent and warrant that targeting on the basis of income will not have unfair consequences, discriminatory effect, or create disparate impact. Targeting on the basis of negative financial status or low income is prohibited.

Nation/Country-Specific Cuisine Types:

Only advertisers who are restaurants, food merchants, or CPG food or beverage brands may target and offer discounts, but may not suppress using this targeting category. All other advertisers must represent and warrant that if they choose to target using nation/country-specific cuisine types, such targeting will not have unfair consequences, discriminatory effect, or create disparate impact.

Individual Zip/Postal Codes or Groups of Zip/Postal Codes:

Because individual zip/postal codes can be used as a proxy for certain prohibited targeting and suppression categories, advertisers must represent and warrant that if they choose to target using zip codes, such targeting will not have unfair consequences, discriminatory effect, or create disparate impact.

Health & Wellness:

Only Health & Wellness advertisers (including Activewear) may target and offer discounts, but not suppress, to Health & Wellness restricted targeting segments, cuisine types, and destinations (see below). All other advertisers must represent and warrant that if they choose to target using Health & Wellness restricted targeting segments, cuisine types, and destinations, such targeting will not have unfair consequences, discriminatory effect, or create disparate impact.

Health & Wellness Restricted targeting destinations:

health & fitness, gym, spa, salon, haircare, beauty

Health & Wellness Restricted targeting cuisine types:

healthy, gluten free, gluten free friendly

Health & Wellness Restricted targeting segments:

Health & Wellness Enthusiasts, Vitamin Shoppers

In addition, the following restrictions apply to these categories of advertisers:


Advertisers may not target, suppress or offer discounts using age, gender, family status, or zip/postal codes.

Credit, Financial Products & Services:

Advertisers may not target, suppress or make an offer of credit using age, gender, family status, or zip/postal codes and certain credit cards may be restricted or prohibited for targeting.


Advertisers may not target, suppress or make employment or independent contractor offers using age, gender, family status or zip/postal codes.

Alcohol & Gambling:

Alcohol and gambling advertisers may not target anyone on the Nioso Platform where either alcohol, gambling, or targeted advertising for alcohol or gambling is not permitted by applicable law and to users who are not of the legal age in the territory in which the ad will run; and Nioso will suppress anyone who has opted out of seeing alcohol advertising. Gambling advertisers may not target territories where the advertiser is not authorized to operate.

Sensitive / Restricted Trip Destinations (No Ads):

The following destination categories will be removed from Ad inventory regardless of what targeting is applied so that Ads do not appear during moments that could be sensitive to our users or controversial to our clients.

Adult Entertainment



Care Centers & Medical Facility titles containing the words “Palliative” “Hospice” or “Cancer” Assisted Living Centers/Nursing homes

Reproductive Health Centers

Emergency Rooms

Urgent Care

Police Stations


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